Revenue and Margin Dashboard

Revenue and Margin Dashboard

Revenue and Margin Dashboard helps you visualize and analyze the relationship between Revenue and Margin % from different perspectives of time, product and customer. You can customize the date range and set of products/customers for analysis.

Set Up Data and Filters

For this dashboard you can set the following inputs:






Allows to choose one of product attributes to be used for the analysis.

Keep in mind that only columns present in the Transaction Datamart can be used for filtering.


Allows to choose one of customer attributes to be used for the analysis. Displayed only when Customer data is used in the package (customerId must be mapped in the SIP_AdvancedConfiguration).

Keep in mind that only columns present in the Transaction Datamart can be used for filtering.

Date From/To

Filters data for the analysis according to the given time range.

Default Value:

  • Date From is set to one year back.

  • Date To is set to today's date.

Time Period

Allows you to define data aggregation for the "Revenue and Margin % in Time" analysis. The available values are: Week, Month, Quarter (default), Year. 

Product Aggregation

Allows to define a custom grouping dimension to reduce the granularity of the product data. The product dimensions available in this input are defined in Advanced Configuration. Fields must come from the Datamart used for the package.

Customer Aggregation

Allows to define a custom grouping dimension to reduce the granularity of the customer data. The customer dimensions available in this input are defined in Advanced Configuration. Fields must come from the Datamart used for the package. Displayed only when Customer data is used in the package (customerId must be mapped in the SIP_AdvancedConfig).

Band By for Products

Allows to define additional grouping of data points in the analysis by a different dimension related to the products.

Band By for Customer

Allows to define additional grouping of data points in the analysis by a different dimension related to the customers. Displayed only when Customer data is used in the package (customerId must be mapped in the SIP_AdvancedConfiguration).

Column chart axis type

Allows to define type of Y axis used on the chart. The available values are:

  • Linear (default)

  • Logarithmic


 Allows you to choose the currency used in the dashboard. The exchange rate for the selected currency is fetched from system the ccy Data Source, the currency symbol is fetched from the CurrencySymbols Company Parameter.

Generic Filter

Allows you to set up a generic transaction data filter. For example: display only data from Europe, or Asia.

Revenue and Margin Dashboard

Analyze Results

The dashboard provides the following summaries.

Revenue and Margin Percentages in Time

Helps you analyze the relationship between Revenue and Margin % in the time aggregated per the defined time dimension. 

  • X axis displays the time period aggregation as defined by the Time Period input. 

  • Left hand side Y axis shows the Revenue scale.

  • Right hand side Y axis shows the Margin % scale. 


What to Look out for

  • Generally, if the revenue is low at a certain period, at least we want to keep the margin high.

  • Pay attention to those periods where both margin and revenue are low and make sure it does not stay this way.

  • This chart helps you discover whether there is any seasonal pattern in your data. You can use this as an input for price decisions (e.g. lower the price in less busy periods).


Revenue and Margin Percentages per Product

Helps you analyze the relationship between Revenue and Margin % on the product level using the selected aggregation and visualize the correlation per the chosen product attribute. 

  • X axis displays the sum of Revenue per chosen product aggregation.

  • Y axis displays the sum of Margin % per chosen product aggregation.

  • The first line is horizontal and at a defined percent value of the lowest margin (typically 10%), the second line is vertical and at a defined percent value of the lowest revenue. This divides the chart in four sections.

How Aggregation and Coloring Work

  1. Aggregation manages what data points you can see. If you choose “Product Group”, you should see a point for every product group in the data.

  2. Band By manages how to color the data. So colors will be assigned based on this input. If you choose “Product Id”, each product Id datapoint will have its own color.

  3. If Band By has a smaller granularity than Aggregation, it will override Aggregation.
    Example: If you request to color by productId but aggregate by productGroup, aggregation will not happen, because then Band By would not know how to color it. The chart will look the same way as if you selected productId as aggregation.


What to look out for

  • Bottom left section – Shows products with low margin % & low revenue. For these products consider raising their price, so that they move up to the top (their margin increases) or work on increasing the volume of sold products (and thus move right towards a bigger revenue). The optimal move here is to go with the product to the top right sections (i.e. increase both margin and revenue).

  • "Risky business" in top right section – This may mean that a customer buys large quantities for a high price. There is a risk of losing such a customer if they find out that others get the same product for a lower price. The optimal scenario is to have the dots grouped around some average price value.

Due to performance reasons this chart is limited to display only top 50 products. These product values are used to calculate the plot lines.

Revenue and Margin Percentages per Customer

Helps you analyze the relationship between Revenue and Margin % on the customer level using the selected aggregation. The data points in the analysis can be colored by the customer dimensions set by 'Band By For Customer' which helps you visualize the relationship per the chosen customer attribute. 

  • X axis displays the sum of Revenue per chosen customer aggregation.

  • Y axis displays the sum of Margin % per chosen customer aggregation.

  • The first line is horizontal and at defined % of the lowest margin, the second line is vertical and at defined % of the lowest revenue. This divides the chart in four squares: the bottom left square shows low margin %, low revenue customers. It can be worthwhile to look into raising prices for these customers.

 What to look out for

  • The chart shown above illustrates that it may happen that large customers generating large revenue may not reach the optimal margin, yet it pays off to keep these customers.

  • On the other hand, small customers get the products for higher prices and generate larger margin. 

Revenue and Margin Contribution per Product/Customer

These two charts display Revenue and Margin split into defined buckets to visualize the number of product/customer aggregation levels needed to cover each bucket (cumulative contribution).

Each data point displays the number of items in the bucket, the total revenue/margin of the items in the bucket and the revenue/margin representing the bucket.

There is also a possibility to preview each of the bucket contents by clicking on the percentage labels. It displays which particular customers/products contribute to the bucket.


What to look out for

  • It is good to have the buckets filled in evenly; i.e. not to rely on just one product/customer contributing most.

Revenue Pareto per Product/Customer

These two charts display Revenue and Margin % split into some bins to visualize the number of product/customer aggregation levels needed to cover each bin (cumulative contribution).

Field Calculations and Company Parameters

To learn about field calculations, used company parameters and data requirements, see Revenue and Margin Dashboard (Technical User Reference).