Dashboard Watcher Use Case 2: Low Margin (Actionable Insights)

Dashboard Watcher Use Case 2: Low Margin (Actionable Insights)

In this use case, a Pricing Manager responsible for prices generating margins wants to be alerted when the Margin percentage is trending negative so that profitability of the company is impacted in a negative way.


An Action will be created for the Pricing Manager showing decreasing Margin % generated from a Customer or Product.


  1. Go to Dashboards and select the Customer Insights - Global View Dashboard.

  2. In the Customer Health Summary portlet, click Create > Create Watcher.
    The Data Scope step of your new Watcher will open.

Data Scope

Customer Health Summary portlet shows on a global level customers who generate low Margin percentage over a period of time, e.g., Month to Date. Customers with the worst Margin percentage generated or those below a company target threshold should be improved with better pricing strategy or removed from the customer base as it can have negative impact on operation costs and profitability in the long run.

  1. In the Data Filter section, make the following settings:

    • Time Filter = MTD

    • Customer Rank = ALL

    • Customer Rank Bucket = 5

    • KPI = Health Score

  2. Click Continue.

Detection Rules

  1. Click Add Rule and select:

    1. Margin % as the column,

    2. less than as the condition,

    3. 0 as value.

  2. Set the scheduler to start from today and run the Watcher once a month.

Margin percentage below 0 means that no profit is generated. Negative values can have significant impact on profitability and can increase operation cost to keep the business running with the customer.

Action Definition

Create one Action for one assignee when at least one row matching the Detection Rules is detected.

  1. Click Add Action.

  2. In the Summary field, type Investigate low margin.

  3. In Description type Low margin detected.

  4. In Due Date select Same day next month.

  5. In Assign to select Pricing Manager.

  6. As Dashboard select CustomerInsights_GlobalView.

  7. Click Apply.


Review the results and submit the Watcher for approval.